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Frameless Vs Semi-Frameless Glass Pool Fencing

Frameless Vs Semi-Frameless Glass Pool Fencing

Glass pool fences are becoming more and more popular these days, especially in modern-style facilities. One factor that can greatly improve the appearance of a pool area is glass fencing. For this, you have two choices: frameless and semi-frameless. Both these fences are categorised modern styles, but depending on your preference, one might be better for you than the other.

Post positioning

A semi-frameless glass fencing is supported by aluminium powder-coated or stainless-steel posts in between each panel. This is cheaper as compared to frameless glass pool fencing. A frameless glass pool fencing has no posts between panels. The support is drilled into the ground giving an ultra-modern, full-view display.


Because a frameless glass pool fencing has no posts in between panels, guests lounging in and around the pool can enjoy an unobstructed view of the horizon. This kind of fencing also allows people from outside the pool area an elegant view of the pool. There is, of course, the remote possibility of someone running into the frameless glass fence since its very clear but this can be avoided by using signage.

Semi-frameless glass fencing may not give you a flawless view because of the posts between the panels but it doesn’t give you a bad one either! At the end of the day, it all boils down to the look that you are going for.

Thickness of glass

A semi-frameless glass pool fencing uses a thinner glass than a frameless glass pool fencing. Although the glass is thinner at around 8mm or 10mm, this is still up to Australian standards so you can still be sure of its safety. Frameless glass pool fencings are equipped with a glass that measures about 12mm thick to compensate for the lack of posts between the panels.


Primarily because of the glass quality and thickness required for each type of glass pool fencing, it comes naturally that frameless glass fencing is more expensive than the semi-frameless fencing.

Below is a comparative table to help you understand the differences between frameless and semi-frameless glass pool fencing.





No posts

With posts


Complete flawless view

Frames, posts, etc. will block the view



8 or 10mm


More expensive

More affordable

Other than the sophistication of these modern styles of glass pool fencing offer, their key purpose is still to provide safety. It is of utmost importance to comply to Australian safety standards when installing your pool fences. To ensure that your pool plans and design align with these standards, consult with your pool builder and local safety authority.

To get professional advice and see the actual look of glass pool fencing, we suggest setting up a free consultation with us. Burleigh Pools can design your dream pool while meeting your budget requirements. Our clients loved our work so much that we were voted the SPASA 2009 Pool Builder of the Year. Contact us at 07 5576 0500 or send us an email at [email protected].

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